It's Ccc, c, cC... ChRisTmaS!
We haven't wanted to use the C-word until our Halloween campaign had finished, but today is the day: CHRISTMAS is now in full swing at Hair Syrup HQ!
Our Christmas products are now live on our site (after 7 longgg weeks of delays 💅).
I repeat, our CHRISTMAS PRODUCTS are now LIVE!
We have thought of everyone this Christmas, from gifts to give to your loved ones, friends, Secret Santas or even
We are full of newness tis' season, this is what we have brought out:
Introducing our 12 Days of Christmas by Hair Syrup: 5x
Yes, you read the right! You get:
🍯 300ml collection of our best seller pre-wash syrups including our limited edition Christmas syrup which equals to 6 months worth of product!
💅 Limited addition superfoods CUTICLE OIL, which indeed smells of our scalp superfoods aka. lime starbursts
☁️ 42ml Buttercream
💤 A satin pillow case
🎀 Collection of hair accessories
✨ A cutesy Hair Syrup Branded Comb
🌹 & a full-sized Leave-in oil of either 'Rose Bloom' or 'Honey Dew'
We have 3 different coloured crackers (green, gold and pink) which is the perfect gift to be placed directly under the Christmas tree, no need to wrap as they just look too cute!
These crackers are made up of a mystery 100ml, mystery 50ml, a scrunchie.
These are prefect to get for that someone who you don't know exactly what they would want or even for your secret Santa gift.
Our ultimate syrup-sample-set, The selection box, is back & better than ever! if you want to try all the syrups this is perfect for you or you could gift the syrups as stocking stuffers (and take the ones you want for yourself!)
Our selection box is made up of all of our iconic pre-wash syrups in the 50ml bottles including:
🫧 Mint Condition - Soothe an itchy, flaky scalp
👑 Rapunzle - Promote Rapunzel-esk lengths
🍋 Lemon-aid - Buff away access oils and sebum on the scalp to elongate time between washes
🌱 Growsmary - For new growth and thickness
🍊 Vitamin-c-me - Vitamin-filled to strengthen & protect dry and brittle lengths
🥝 Scalp Superfoods - An all-round health shot for your hair
🍯 The Original - detangling and hydrating
🪻 Zen - For your hair & your mind
Lastly, we cannot forget about our famous Five tubes. Yes, we know these are not Christmas exclusive, but they are the perfect gift sets tailored to specific hair care problem areas!
🌱 The Growth Box
🍋 Goldilocks
🫐 Who runs the world, curls
🛠️ The tool Box
🍊 Achy Breaky
*Check out the Famous 5 tubes blog to see what is included in each tube*
Don't forget to show and tag us on your socials so we can see what you've grabbed this Christmas, we would love to see!
Lots of love,
Lillian xoxo